Terms & Conditions

Agreements which are designed to protect you, our member, and the ecosystems we cherish.

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Blue Vision Tanzania. By joining our ocean conservation efforts, you agree to the following terms and conditions, which are designed to protect both our members and the ecosystems we cherish.


Eligibility: Membership is open to all who are passionate about ocean conservation, just as the ocean welcomes all forms of life.
Commitment: By becoming a member, you commit to supporting our mission to conserve ocean ecosystems for future generations.

Use Of Our Services

Responsible Use: Engage with our content and participate in our programs responsibly, like a diver respecting the delicate balance of a coral reef.
Communication: Allow us to send you updates and information pertinent to our mission. Think of it as the steady rhythm of the tides, bringing you essential news and opportunities.

Data Protection

Secure Storage: Your information is stored securely, like treasures hidden beneath the waves.
Limited Access: Only authorized team members, like dedicated marine rangers, have access to your personal data.


Voluntary Contributions: Any financial or material contributions are appreciated and will be used solely for conservation efforts, much like how nutrients are cycled through the marine food web.
Transparency: We promise to use your contributions wisely, ensuring transparency and accountability in our actions.

Code Of Conduct

Respect: Treat fellow members and our team with respect, akin to the harmony found in a thriving ocean ecosystem.
Integrity: Participate honestly in our programs and initiatives, just as the ocean maintains its integrity through balanced ecosystems.


Voluntary Termination: You can terminate your membership at any time by notifying us. Your decision will be respected like a protected marine reserve.
Breach Of Terms: Any violation of these terms may result in termination of your membership, ensuring our community remains as healthy as a well-maintained coral reef.